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Malware Analysis & Digital Forensics training

Malware Analysis & Digital Forensics Cybersecurity event

We are delighted to announce that CYNET-CSIRT, in collaboration with ENISA, is organising a 2-day virtual training event, with the contribution of the University of Cyprus, the European University and the National CSIRT-CY between 25 and 26 November 2020.

The event will take place on the ZOOM videoconferencing platform and it will be a hands-on training, offered to all our members. The training will deal with Malware Analysis & Digital Forensics and more precisely, Network Forensics in IoT and Mobile Devices.

Due to the hands-on nature of the event, colleagues and associates attending the training will be given access to ENISA’s virtual labs for the Network Forensics section, while they will have to set up VM’s beforehand (and have them tested) for the Malware Analysis section.

More information (e.g. agenda, link to the event) will be forwarded to those who wish to attend in due course. Be on the lookout!

If you would be interested in participating, please fill out the form below.